Infant Massage
Workshop Dates and times 2020
in Moranbah
3 weeks x 1hr classes:
Cost: $120
Massage Oil, printed course material.
please arrive 15min before our session.
Click on the link to make and pay for your booking.
Parents are discovering that massage can help their child settle, sleep better, reduce crying and relieve problems such as wind, colic, constipation, reflux and eczema. It even helps reduce post-natal depression in the mother.
Massage is more than just relaxation. Learning the right massage techniques is vital to ensure that both you and your baby experience the many benefits that massage can provide.
Attend a certificate training class, learn at home or request an appointment with an IMIS certified Instructor.
Penny qualified as an infant massage therapist and instructor in 2014 when her own grandchildren arrived. She trained so she could help her daughters-in-laws massage their babies correctly and safely.
Get the facts:
Learn from a professional
Massage can provide so many benefits, not only for the child but for parents and siblings as well.
Why do the chest and abdomen need to be avoided at the beginning of a massage?
Why should I avoid using olive oil or creams to massage my baby?
What age can I start massaging my baby?
How much pressure should I use to help relieve colic?
Is massage appropriate at bath time?
My toddler doesn’t like to lie still anymore – is that the end of massage?
Baby Massage Benefits
Reduces crying time.
Various research studies on infant massage have shown that there is a significant reduction in overall crying time with infants and toddlers who receive massage.
Improves sleep and regulates sleep patterns.
Massage increases serotonin levels and regulates melatonin secretion rhythms which help regulate sleep patterns.
Ideal for pre-term infants.
Research has shown that infants receiving touch therapy and massage gain weight faster and are discharged earlier than other infants.
Enhances emotions and improves mood.
Massage increases dopamine levels which are believed to play an important role in regulating anger, aggression, temperature, mood and appetite in addition to other body functions.
Improves wind, colic, reflux and constipation.
Massage stimulates the elimination of waste from the body, can relieve abdominal wind within minutes and speeds a natural process of the nervous system which can assist with reflux.
Relieves sinus and chest congestion.
Massage helps promote adequate drainage of the sinuses and excess mucus on the chest.
Boosts immune system.
Research shows that infant massage can positively influence physiological processes and improve immune function.
Reduces stress hormone levels in children and their parents.
Known as "the stress hormone" cortisol is released during times of stress. Prolonged high levels of cortisol can reduce immunity, impair cognitive performance, and reduce bone density and muscle tissue. Massage measurably decreases cortisol levels in both children and their parents allowing blood pressure, heart rate, digestive functioning and hormonal levels to return to their normal state.
Early diagnosis of potential health issues.
Parents who massage their infant each day are more likely to notice changes in their child’s physical condition, which may go unnoticed longer with infants who are not receiving massage.
Reduces symptoms of Eczema.
A UK study showed significant improvement in eczema symptoms with the introduction of massage by parents in addition, Infant Massage Instructors have seen improvement first hand with many babies at infant massage classes.
Enhances coordination.
Studies have shown infant massage improves left/right brain communication which has been suggested to improve intelligence.